Contact: ulrike.gartner(at)sbg.ac.at
1. Field of activity
Head of the pollen warning service Salzburg since 2014
Analysis of the pollen traps in St. Veit and Tamsweg
PR tasks of all kinds
Research focus at the University of Salzburg:
Floral and pollination ecology
Morphology of higher plants
2. Short curriculum vitae
Since 2012: Analysis of the Tamsweg and St. Veit pollen traps
Since 2011: Analysis of the Tamsweg pollen trap
1991 - 1994: Doctoral studies in natural sciences / botany
Since 1991: Assistant at the University of Salzburg, Department of Ecology and Evolution, AG Ecology and Evolution of Plants
1982 - 1988: Studied biology/botany and zoology at the University of Salzburg and law at the University of Linz
- 1982 - 1988: Studium der Biologie/Botanik und Zoologie an der Universität Salzburg